This page provides additional information for parents and guardians of children joining us at Beach Club 2024. We’ll also be providing paper copies of this important information when you arrive.
When you arrive at Beach Club
Please go to the Welcome desk on arrival each day at the table as you enter the beach area. You will be given information of the format for that day.
Refreshments for parents are available after the general time on the mound at 11am.
Getting here by car
If you are driving to Beach Club, our closest car park is the Victoria Esplanade Car Park, which is a Pay-and-Display operated by Colchester City Council. Parking for up to two hours costs £4, and for up to four hours is £6.50.
During the morning
The morning begins with songs and activities during ‘mound time’ in our main venue. Here, all the children gather together for fun and games led by our Beach Club team.
After this time we will hold a variety of different games, craft and activities. You, the parent/guardian, will be responsible for taking your children to the various activities, although we have a separate group for children and young adults aged 11+. Each of the various activities will be led by our team of volunteers.
Key timings
10:00am – Beach Club starts on the mound
10:45am – Activities (and the 11+ group) begin
12:00pm – Beach Club ends
When you arrive you’ll be given timeslots for each of the various activity areas to avoid overcrowding.
Safety and First Aid
It must be understood that the beach can be a dangerous place and you the parent/guardian are expected to take responsibility for your own child/children. We will do all we reasonably can to protect you and your children from harm, but you should realise that the risks covered in the risk assessment may not cover every possible situation that may occur. If something happens to put anyone at risk, we will endeavour to find out how the event happened and will alter our risk assessment if necessary. A copy of our Risk Assessment will be available at our Welcome Desk.
First aid
If you have injured yourself and need to receive first aid, please speak to the Welcome Desk.
Designated place of safety
If an emergency occurs on our Beach Club site, our designated place of safety is the grass area next to the Victoria Esplanade car park, which you will be directed to by our team of Beach Club volunteers.
Hot or wet weather
If it rains in the early hours of the morning and/or at the start of Beach Club, we will move to our wet weather venue at the West Mersea Free Church, 32 Mill Rd CO5 8RJ.
This may mean that we start slightly later than the planned 10am. If we know in advance we are moving, this information will be posted on this website and on social media (Facebook and Instagram). If it rains hard whilst we are on the beach, for safety reasons Beach club will close.
In the event of hot weather and temperatures forecast to be above 25°C, we will make use of the shade available behind the beach huts. Additional gazebos will be in place for the craft and activity areas. As always, there will be plenty of drinks and refreshments available for the children and adults. This information will be posted on this website and on social media (Facebook and Instagram).
Protecting children and vulnerable adults
We commit ourselves to the nurturing, protection and safekeeping of all. It is our responsibility to create a safe environment where children are valued and respected. It is also the responsibility of each of us to prevent the physical, sexual and emotional abuse of children and to report any abuse discovered or suspected to an approved Child and Vulnerable Adult Advocate. Each worker knows the recommendations and has undertaken to observe them.
Children have much to give as well as receive. We will listen to them and respect their wishes and feelings. All beach club volunteers are of good standing and where possible have undergone a Disclosure & Barring Service check and have the commendation of a local Church.
The Beach Club Committee and our leaders will ensure that no official photographs are taken of children without the permission of their parents/guardians. However, Beach Club takes place in a public area and other parents and guardians have access to cameras and phones and we cannot be held responsible for their actions.
If you as parents/guardians take pictures at Beach Club that include children that are not your own, please do not upload these to social media sites.
Privacy Notice
The data we hold includes personal information of the children. We hold this information for the duration of Beach Club, after which it is destroyed.